Arbitrage Trading

ArbTrader can change your financial future and how you think about commodities and currency trading forever. It has an advantage over traditional trading style of predicting market moves because it has been battle tested for both bullish and bearish scenario. And the best thing about this style of trading is, you don’t need to learn and research a lot about currency and commodities trading to use it. The software trades the currencies and commodities for you on simple trading rules. You see results every day. You don’t have to wait weeks to see your account status or hold positions in order to be in profits.
Arbitrage trading desk works around the clock through fully automated GTL arbtrader application, with live time risk management features and connected through FIX 4.2 with global liquidity providers consisting leading banks and global exchanges. Arbtrader is a new generation arbitrage application with pre-defined trading and risk parameters.
The algos are developed by the expert traders and technology professionals coded into application, this eliminates the Human error factor while trade execution. However a team of risk managers and IT Professionals monitors every stage of the market and makes adjustments in trading and risk management parameters to ensure smooth operation and efficient execution of strategies.


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