How to Read Fund Statement

How to Read a Fund Statement

This document explains how to read a basic fund statement.  The document covers:
q  When to Use a Fund Statement
q  Fund Statement Concepts and Calculations
q  A Sample Fund Statement Explained
·   Prompts and search criteria
·   Tabs
·   Report Output

1.    When to Use a Fund Statement

At Stanford, funds are established to track the source and use of money. Fund reports are a tool designed to facilitate the management of these monies.  These reports show both inflows (receipts, transfers in) and outflows (e.g. transfers out and expenses) and thus help determine how much money is left to spend.  These reports also help us fulfill our fiduciary responsibilities to donors and others by allowing us to report to the donor on the use of their gift.

Fund reports are intended to be used for non-sponsored and non-capital awards as the reports are designed around a fiscal year concept rather than a project-to-date concept.  Sponsored and capital project activities are better managed with project-to-date expenditure reports.  Also, certain accounting treatment and relationships in sponsored and capital projects are not completely captured in a single fund. 

As with most ReportMart3 reports, you must have the appropriate authority to generate a complete fund statement.  If your report request generates a null or incomplete result, please review your authority to determine if it is sufficient to make your report request. Reference Quick Steps: View Authority Assignments and Quick Steps: Grant Authority for Oracle Financial Reporting. 

2.    Fund Statement Concepts and Calculations

Available Balance
The Fund Statement captures the equity, activity and balances associated with a single Award.  The framework for this report is as follows: 

  • Beginning Fund Balance
  • Plus (+) Receipts
  • Plus (+) Transfers In
  • Minus (-) Transfers Out
  • MInus (-) Expenses
= Ending Fund Balance
  • Minus (-) Net Investments (e.g., advances, inventory, prepaid expenses etc.)
= Available Balance (e.g., cash available for use)

These terms, which also appear on the report, are defined in the table below:

Beginning Balance
Represents the Award’s equity, or fund balance, at the beginning of the fiscal year.  Most funds allow rollover of prior year balances.
Represents receipts or revenue earned during the year.  Sources include gifts, fees and endowment and EFP earnings.
Represents monies transferred into or out of the Award.  Transfers may be to or from Operating Budget (OB); to or from other departments or funds; or related to purchases of capital equipment. (The purchasing fund contributes the asset to University’s fixed asset fund via a capital transfer generated by the Controller’s Office.)
Represents expenses of the Award.  Reflects monies spent to pay salaries or purchase goods and services, etc.  Expenses are shown on the fund reports in summary in the 5XXXX object code series.  Details of these items are available in the expenditure reports. 
Net Investments
Represents all assets and liabilities owned by the Award except for cash (object code 11050).  May include advances, prepaids and/or payables.
1XXXX and 2XXXX, except for 11050
Available Balance
Represents the cash or unspent money remaining in the fund. 

The design of the Fund Statement report allows users to understand the value held by the fund, the current year activity and the cash balance which is currently available to spend.  Note - It is important not to confuse the concept of fund balance with that of available balance. 

Available balance takes into account monies which are not available to be spent as they are currently being used for other purposes and are reflected as other assets or liabilities.  Investments (or assets), such as advances or inventory, are deducted from the fund balance to arrive at the available balance as they represent a use of cash.  In the case of advances, cash was reduced to make the advance; once the advance is repaid, the available cash balance will increase by the same amount.   On the other hand, when cash is expended to acquire prepaid goods or services, the available cash balance decreases; when prepaid expenses are depleted and expensed, there is no cash transaction at that time, so they will not impact the cash balance.

Conventions and Notations
All fund reports use consistent notations for positive and negative values, not “debits” and “credits.”  Positive numbers are shown without parentheses.  Income, for example, will be shown without parentheses.  Items which reduce the fund balance are reflected as negative numbers in these reports and are displayed in parentheses, "(NNNN)."  Expenses and transfers out are displayed in parentheses as they reduce the fund balance.

3.    A Sample Fund Statement Explained

Distributed users can access the Fund Statement in ReportMart3 using FIN_FUND_153 Fund Statement.

Prompts and Search Criteria
Fund reports provide flexible search capability, including searching by Parent Organization.  Report results are based on the search prompts.  The Award Number prompt, used in conjunction with the Set of Books and Period, is the most common for the 153 Report.   A complete list of prompts available is included in Appendix A of this document. 

The prompts selected appear at the top of the report when results are rendered.

Report Tabs
When a report is run successfully, the data is returned and displayed in various report tabs.  Report tabs provide different views of the same data.  The following report tabs are available for the FIN_FUND_153 Fund Statement report:

Tab 1:  YTD Detail by Project
Tab 2:  YTD Detail by Object
Provides Year to Date (YTD) detail information organized and summarized by object code
Tab 3:  Month Detail by Project
Provides detail information for the month organized and summarized by project number
Tab 4:  Month Detail by Object
Provides detail information for the month organized and summarized by object code
Tab 5:  Summary by Object
Summarized data by object code;  no detail
Tab 6:  Summary
Summarized data by major groupings, no detail at project or object level
Tab 7:  Data Download
Contains information from Tab 4 and additional attributes

Sample Report
The sample report provided represents tab 4, Month Detail by Object.  VIEW SAMPLE REPORT

Page Headers are explained below:

Left Side of Report
Run Date: Date report was generated
Latest Close Month: Latest month which has been closed in the Oracle Financials system; all transactions for that month have been processed;  When used in conjunction with Report Period Ending below, can derive whether transactions for the latest month are complete based on whether the month has closed or not.
Set of Books:  SU for Stanford’s Operating Set of Books; EN for Endowment Set of Books (SU includes endowment income funds, EN contains the principal balance).

Center of Report
Title: Stanford University
Sort:  Indicates how the report is sorted (e.g. by object or by project)
Applicability of Fund Type:  Indicates that report is for Non-Sponsored Funds
Report Period Ending: Date through which results are shown.

Right Side of Report
Page: Page number in this report
User:  Individual who ran the report
Database: Indicates from which system the report data is taken

The columns, as they appear from left to right across the page, are included in the table below. Changes for the other tabs are noted under Description/Additional Information.
Column Name
Description/Additional Information
Represents the object code associated with the transaction.  See the complete list of object codes. For some tabs the first column is Project.
Represents the organization code included in the transaction.
Represents the Project associated with the transaction. For some tabs, the third column is Object.
Indicates where the transaction originated (e.g. Payables, iJournals, Burdening transaction, Spreadsheet).  The  Reference Code Table
provides further information about these sources.
Provides information to identify the transaction (e.g. iJournal number; Infrastructure charge)   See Reference Code Table
Explains more information about the transaction (e.g. what fund the transfer came from, type of income or receipt)
Date the transaction posted to the Oracle Financials general ledger
For YTD transaction Tabs 1 and 2, all transactions for the year are displayed.
For Tabs 3 and 4, represents the transaction amounts for the current month.
YTD Total
Year to date totals for each major category (beginning balance, receipts, transfers and expenses)

Other Helpful Links:

Financial Reporting Tools section of the Gateway to Financial Activities website.
APPENDIX A: FIN_FUND_153_Fund_Statement Report Prompts

The sample prompts presented on a prompt page indicate whether multiple values are allowed (separated by a ; with no spaces) and whether the wild card % is allowed. Prompts available in the 153 Report include:

Prompt Name
Additional Information
001: Award Number (AAAA;ZZZZ)
Unique identification number of an award.
002: Award Owner (Smith, John J.) or (Smith, J%)
Use to identify all awards associated with a particular owner.
003: Award Manager (Smith, John J.) or (Jones, J%)

Use to identify all awards for a particular manager.
Use to select a particular source or origin of funds.
005: Award Purpose (FAC_CHAIR;PEN_PENDING)
Use to select a particular use of funds.
006: Award Free-form Value (A) or (%B%)

007: Award Level of Control
Use to select by level of control within a school or department.  Values include University, school/admin unit, department, division, program, faculty/PI, interdepartmental, other.
008: Award Level of Restriction
Use to select by level of restriction or ease of use.  Values include unrestricted, moderately restricted, highly restricted, currently unusable, pending designation. 
009: Award Donor (Packard Foundation) or (Smith, J%)
Use to select a specific donor.
010: Award Start Date (DD-MM-YYYY)
Use to select by the date the award becomes active.
011: Award End Date (DD-MM-YYYY)
Use to select by the date the award becomes inactive.
012: Award Name (Operations) or (%GM20789%)
Use to select by award name
013: Set of Books (EN or SU)
Choose EN for endowment principal and SU for the Stanford set of books (operations)
100: Award Org or Parent Org (ABCD;ZZZZ)
Choose to see results for a particular org
200: Period (MMM-YYYY)
Select the month and year desired;  fund results are cumulative and will contain activity/results through the period selected.


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